VCC Magazine Fall-Winter 20-21
V irginia C apitol C onnections , F all 2020/W inter 2021 13 Dr. Brenda D. Long Executive Director (540) 760-2504 FAX (540) 961-4392 email Virginians For Integrity In Government Undertakes Oral History Project By Jim Turpin What was the Virginia General Assembly like in days past? Who were the major characters and practices that made up the fabric of lawmaking in the Commonwealth? We’ll find out soon. Virginians for Integrity in Government (VIG) is initiating an oral history—both funny and serious—of former members of the Virginia General Assembly. The focus will be on those members who served in the 1970’s and 1980’s and moving forward. The objective is to interview and record these individuals’ memories and recollections of the time in which they served. These interviews will focus on both the issues and personalities with whom each member served during this period of groundbreaking changes in Virginia government and politics. The interviews will be recorded in a form to be offered to an archive such as the Virginia State Library. We have a lot to learn from the old days. There are also plans for the collected interviews to be compiled in a documentary for educational purposes. There are plans to expand the scope of the effort to include members of the press (now expanded to as “media”) as well as those who have advocated before the General Assembly and State Government. This phase will be determined based on the success and reactions to the legislative oral histories. Virginians for Integrity inGovernment is a501 (c) 3organization. 888-729-7428 • • All information is updated after Special Elections. Connect with the Governor & Cabinet Members, Legislators & Staff. Access the latest news, political calendars, videos, publication s, & much more! Download Our App All information is updated after Special Elections. Connect with the Governor & Cabinet Members, Legislators & Staff. Access the latest news, politi cal calendars, videos, publications, & much more! Download Our App Plea e send updates to Cierra Parks at cap.davidbaileya . V For more information—or to share a memory—contact VIG@ Its members include: Roger Collier, Diana C. Dutton, Randy Dillard, Ken Jessup, James Turpin, Bonnie Atwood, Thomas Brewster, Kristen Bailey Hardy, and David Bailey. James Turpin has worked at the Virginia General Assembly since 1976. He has held a variety of positions, including House Aide, Senate Aide, Caucus Director, Trade Association Executive, and Lobbyist. He is a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute and did graduate work at the University of Virginia.
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